The 1st EOSIC aims to present current topics in the fields of Social Ontology and Collective Intentionality to the Latin American philosophical community with lectures by international and national guests.
Over the last 30 years, debates related to the structure and foundation of social reality, about its nature, its objects, and properties (which make up the field of investigation of Social Ontology), as well as how minds can be jointly directed towards objects, purposes, values (themes that concern Collective Intentionality), have gained prominence on the research agenda of Analytical Philosophy. The creation of specialized academic societies such as the European Network of Social Ontology (ENSO) and the International Society of Social Ontology (ISOS) shows the significant interest devoted to these fields of research abroad.
Particularly in Brazil, however, few researchers are dedicated to these topics. The 1st EOSIC aims to help bridge this gap by providing an introductory discussion of the area in Portuguese and presenting examples of the type of research carried out in the field with renowned international researchers.
The event will take place on April 11 and 12, 2024:
April 11th (Thursday) - Social Ontology
Morning Session (10:00 - 12:30 UTC - 3):
Asta (Duke University) - "Metaphysics for liberation and for social science"
Asya Passinsky (Central European University) - "Social Construction and Meta-Ground"
Afternoon Session (14:30 - 17:00 UTC - 3):
Rodrigo A. dos S. Gouvea (PPGF - UFRJ) - "Uma Ontologia Social da Arte"
Valdenor Brito Jr. (UFSC) - "Ontologia Social e Adaptação no Decorrer da Árvore da Vida"
April 12th (Friday) - Collective Intentionality
Morning Session (10:00 - 12:30 UTC - 3):
Olle Blomberg (University of Gothenburg) - "Moral responsibility and functionalism about group agency"
Deborah Tollefsen (University of Memphis) - "Shaping the Institutional Mind"
Afternoon Session (14:30 - 17:00 UTC - 3):
Leonardo de Mello Ribeiro (PPG-Fil - UFMG) - TBA
Luiz Paulo Cichoski (PPGFil - UFMT) - "Como ser realista sobre mente de grupos?"
The event will be completely online. To get the access links, please register (free of charge):
If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact us: [email protected] ; [email protected]
Support: PPGFil-UFMT; PPGF-UFRJ; Center for Ethics and Philosophy of Mind-UFRJ.
1st EOSIC Organizing Committee