Asociación Latinoamericana
de Filosofía Analítica

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How to apply for ALFAn membership? A letter of application must be sent to the Management Committee at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. The letter should indicate if the application is for ordinary, associate or institutional membership and explain how the membership criteria are met. The letter should be accompanied by the curriculum vitae of the applicant (in the case of individual applicants) and the URL of its website and/or a copy of its constitutive act in the case of institutions. If it deems it necessary, the Management Committee may require additional information from applicants. The membership categories and the requirements for each are detailed below.


There are three classes of ALFAn membership: ordinary, associate and institutional. In all three cases, a written application must be sent to the Management Committee, which in turn approves (once the registration fee has been paid) or rejects it.

Ordinary Membership
Anyone doing research in (and/or teaching) analytic philosophy and has a clear commitment to the association can apply for ALFAn ordinary membership as long as she meets the following requirements:

i. Works at an institution for higher education or research center (or is retired from one of them),

ii. Has a PhD or equivalent qualification and

iii. Either published at least 4 articles (or a book) in analytic philosophy in the last 5 years or has a long record of publications in analytic philosophy.

These members have the right to vote and to be elected for the Management Committee. Philosophers who are working outside Latin America cannot be elected for the Committee. In exceptional cases, the Management Committee may exempt an applicant from only one of the requirements above as long as the latter adds two letters of recommendation from ordinary members with her application.

Ordinary annual membership fee: USD $30. Discounted price for paying two years: $45

Associate Membership

Anyone can apply for associate membership as long as she meets the following requirements:

i. Works in analytic philosophy,

ii. Submits two letters of recommendation from ordinary members and

iii. (a) Is a graduate student at an institution for higher education, or (b) Has obtained her PhD in the last two years but still does not meet the requirements for applying for ordinary membership, 
or (c) Teaches at an institution for higher education.

These members do not have the right to vote and cannot be elected for the Management Committee, but have the same rights as ordinary members in all other respects. The fee for associate membership will always be lower than that for ordinary membership. Associate members will be able to apply for regular membership as soon as they meet the corresponding requirements.

Associate membership fee: USD $20. Discounted price for paying two years: $30

Institutional Membership

Any institution, association or organization carrying out research in analytic philosophy can apply for institutional membership in ALFAn. The approval of the applications for this kind of membership will be left to the discretion of the Management Committee. These members do not have the right to vote and cannot be elected to the Management Committee. The fee for institutional members will be higher than that for ordinary members.

Institutional fee: USD $90.

Please contact us if you need more information.